Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government ( COFOG). Source: International Monetary Fund · Expenditure,; Government
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to the development by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of the Government As with the GFS, a Canadian COFOG (CCOFOG) has been developed to imf country classification list The International Monetary Fund has a tough of the functions of government ( COFOG) series for FY 2011–2016 and compiled an Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) (International Monetary Fund [IMF] 2001), there is variable interpretation of this system. The COFOG guide GFS; National Accounts; COFOG; Taxation; Financial Reporting; Government Analysis IMF, OECD, NZ government, researchers, and other organisations 23 Nov 2019 IMF EAST AFRITAC QUATERLY NEWS AUGUST – OCTOBER 2019. ERITREA of government (COFOG) data and quarterly BCG fiscal data. If you don't know anything about IMF data API, the following four steps is a good by Function of Government (COFOG)" #> [29] "Government Finance Statistics 19 Feb 2018 According to the 2015 Government Finance Statistics Manual issued by IMF, the Manual provides employees in the field of accounting, finance 6 Mar 2019 The IMFData library allows accessing IMF data. Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)" #> [57] "Government Finance Statistics COFOG. Classification of the Functions of Government.
. … Definition: The classification of the functions of government (COFOG) is a classification used to identify the socio-economic objectives of current transactions, capital outlays and acquisition of financial assets by general government and its sub-sectors. Context: The SNA uses special classifications to analyse consumption, or more generally The IMF GFSM economic classification, which is used for overall budget policy The COFOG has three levels of detail: directorates, groups, and classes. The first level contains 10 two-digit categories called directorates, covering for Government expenditure by function (COFOG), 2019 archive. 12. Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, 2019 archive.
GFSY Query - Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) Your browser is not up-to-date. For optimum experience we recommend to update your browser to the latest version. COFOG stands for Classification of the Functions of Government (IMF) Suggest new definition.
29 Ago 2019 developed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The data is presented following the COFOG - Classification of Functions of Government.
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7 Expenditure by Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG)4 8 Transactions in Financial Assets and Liabilities by Sector of the Counterparty The GFSM 2014 framework can be applied to all components of the public sector. In this paper, however, the focus is on the general government sector and its subsectors because
COFOG stands for Classification of the Functions of Government (IMF) Suggest new definition. This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government. Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Other Resources: of Functions of Government (COFOG) as described in Chapter 6. All COFOG classification codes begin with 7.
All COFOG classification codes begin with 7. Transactions in financial assets and liabilities can be classified according to the sector of the other party to the financial instrument as well as according to the type of financial instrument.
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The Classification of the functions of government, abbreviated as COFOG, was developed in its current version in 1999 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published by the United Nations Statistical Division as a standard classifying the purposes of government activities. The classification has three levels of detail:
. . . . … Definition: The classification of the functions of government (COFOG) is a classification used to identify the socio-economic objectives of current transactions, capital outlays and acquisition of financial assets by general government and its sub-sectors. Context: The SNA uses special classifications to analyse consumption, or more generally The IMF GFSM economic classification, which is used for overall budget policy The COFOG has three levels of detail: directorates, groups, and classes. The first level contains 10 two-digit categories called directorates, covering for Government expenditure by function (COFOG), 2019 archive.
GFSY Query - Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) - IMF Data. GFSY Query - Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) Your browser is not up-to-date. For optimum experience we recommend to update your browser to the latest version.
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